Frequently Asked Questions

My school/organisation has a Second Step program, how do I set up my online Second Step account to access the online training and digital lesson resources?
Click here for instructions to set up an account at
Do all staff have access to the Second Step online resources?
Yes! All of your staff can create their own Second Step account using the Activation Key (provided in each year-level’s Teaching Manual) to gain access to the online resources (including the lesson handouts and the lesson images/videos/songs/games required to run each Second Step lesson) streamed directly to the classroom's electronic whiteboard/screen. There are no ongoing fees or licensing costs associated with the Second Step program.
Navigating the Second Step online Dashboard
This video provides a helpful overview on how to navigate the online resources:
Are Second Step lessons aligned with the Australian curriculum?
All Second Step lessons, from Foundation Year to Year 6 have been aligned with the Health and Physical Education curriculum (V9) and the New South Wales PDHPE curriculum.
Other Alignment Charts, including for Positive Behaviour for Learning and trauma-informed practices can be found on the Resources & Research page on our website.
How can we engage families with their children's social and emotional learning?
Parents and caregivers also have their own Activation Keys and can create a login at to learn about Social Emotional Learning with their children. These Activation Keys are available via the Family Letters, provided as pdfs for each grade on the Second Step dashboard and as hard copies in your manuals.
In addition, many Second Step lessons include home links for students to take home and complete with their adults to practice the skills they learnt in class that week.
Where do I find the digital script for Year 6 lessons?
As the Foundation Year - Year 5 lesson scripts are available on the Second Step Dashboard, we are offering a digital version of the Year 6 script to our schools. Click here to access a digital version of the Year 6 lesson script
The online training for Year 6 is different to the online training for Kindergarten to Year 5, what training should Year 6 teachers complete?
We suggest Year 6 teachers complete the K-5 training so they have the same information as their colleagues and in addition, watch the following 2 videos from the Year 6 training modules to assist with navigating the differences in the Year 6 curriculum:
Year 6 Training: Module 2: Videos 2.1 Curriculum Format (2:55) and 2.4 Lesson Exploration (3:07)
Support to plan for and navigate the Year 6 lessons can be found here.​
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